
Have you ever wanted to volunteer on a free weekend but had no idea how to get started? Or perhaps you are a part of a non-profit that could do with more people to help? 🀝

Presenting Volunteery, the solution to all the times you want to do some good. ✨

πŸ™‹ So, how does it work?

It’s simple! You sign in as a volunteer or non-profit manager - and depending on your role, you can find new places to volunteer at, or add new events for people to find! πŸ”Ž

πŸ‘¨β€πŸ­ Who are we?

This project was built by Pod 1.1.3 Team 1, AB Satyaprakash, Preet Shah, Shambhavi Aggarwal and Ankit Maity.

πŸ’» What did we build this with?

Volunteery is completely made with Flutter. 🎐 And for all our backend services, Volunteery uses Firebase. πŸ”₯

πŸ”œ What’s next?

Where we want to be:

Link to Github Repo
Link to Demo Video